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How to Avoid Winter Car Wrecks This Year

Winter is just right around the corner, which means an increase in the number of car accidents we see. While Texas doesn’t see as inclement of weather conditions as some other parts of the country, you never know what Mother Nature has in store and it is therefore important to be prepared. Winter driving conditions can often create hazardous road conditions and unique challenges for drivers. Snow, rain, black ice, wind, and sleet all have the potential to create a dangerous situation for drivers. While you can’t control what other drivers are doing, you can do your best to be prepared for any type of weather. There are a handful of things you can do to keep you and your passengers out of harm’s way when navigating the roadways this winter.

Car accidents happen on a regular basis, regardless of the weather. When cooler temperatures settle in and the sun sets earlier than any other time of year, the chances of an accident are even higher. The Brownsville car accident attorneys at Green Law Firm have your best interests in mind and want to do everything we can to keep you safe this winter. With that in mind, we have compiled a few tips to help you avoid winter car wrecks this winter:

  • Take your car in for a check-up before winter – One of the leading causes of winter car accidents is failure to stay on top of regular car maintenance. Factors such as worn out tires, malfunctioning windshield wiper blades, lack of windshield wiper fluid, improperly working defroster, and burnt out headlights can contribute to winter accidents. All of these things are preventable by taking your car into your mechanic for a tune up.
  • Make sure your gas tank is full – Before you set out for a road trip or if you know a storm is coming, make sure you have plenty of gas. You never know if an accident will result in delays and the last thing you want to deal with is an empty tank of gas.
  • Pay attention to the weather – Before you head out for a trip of any length, make sure you check the weather. This will allow you to plan for how to drive and what you may need along with you, should the weather turn nasty. Taking a look at the weather will also help you plan for an alternative route, should there be snow, heavy rain, or flooding. You may also want to take a more equipped vehicle if a storm is moving in.
  • Be a defensive driver – Paying attention to what other drivers are doing and adjusting your own actions based on others is one of the number one keys to avoiding being involved in an accident. Slowing your speed and driving defensively can keep you from being another car in a highway pileup.
  • Don’t use your smartphone – ever – Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents, especially during the winter months. In order to avoid an accident, turn on your phone’s “Do Not Disturb While Driving” feature (if you have an iPhone) and make it a point not to answer any incoming calls or read text messages.

We want you to stay safe out there this winter and hope the above tips help. If you have been involved in a car accident in Brownsville, please contact the personal injury attorneys at Green Law Firm today.

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