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Back to School Safety Tips for Drivers

It’s that time of year again,  back to school. While it may be hard to believe that summer is nearly over with, being prepared for the new school year is the best way to ensure the safety of your children and others. As you and your kiddos get back into the swing of things and the routine of school, it is important to keep traffic safety in mind. As the new year begins, it is always a good idea to remind your children of how to stay safe when walking to and from school, crossing streets, and playing on school grounds.

As any parent knows, school days are often congested and overwhelmingly busy. With yellow school buses picking up and dropping off kids, kids on bikes hurrying to get to class, and parents doing their best to drop their kids off before work, it’s no wonder so many accidents happen. Regardless of how big of a rush you are in, it is always a good idea to slow down and pay attention when children are present. This is especially the case before and after school, as kids can be unruly when waiting to be picked up or for the bell to ring. To help prevent a tragic accident from occurring, take the following safe driving tips into consideration:

  • When dropping kids off at school, make sure you drop them off exactly where you are supposed to. Even if the area is busy, never let your kids out across the street or further from the school.
  • Never double park in front of the school. This is dangerous because it blocks visibility for other children and vehicles.
  • If possible, carpool with other parents to reduce the number of vehicles at the school each morning and afternoon.
  • Never pass a school bus from behind when the lights are flashing and the stop sign is extended. You never know when a child will be crossing the street.
  • Never attempt to pass a vehicle that is waiting for children to cross the street.
  • Drive slowly and stay alert whenever approaching a school zone or driving through surrounding neighborhoods, parks, and playgrounds.
  • Avoid following a school bus too closely. Make sure there is enough distance between your vehicle and the bus so you can safely brake.
  • Never text while driving! Not only is this against the law in many states, but it will put your young passengers and other drivers at risk.
  • Expect the unexpected. Children often come out unexpectedly, no matter how many times parents try and teach them not to. Follow the speed limit, yield to crossing guards, and be extremely vigilant.
  • Add in extra travel time. If you are in a hurry in the morning to drop your kids off at school, there is a much higher chance you will be involved in an accident. Always budget in extra travel time to ensure the safety of yourself and others.

The above tips are designed to keep you and your children safe this back to school season. If you have been involved in an accident with another driver, pedestrian, or bicyclists, please contact Green Law Firm. Our Laredo personal injury lawyers will meet with you to discuss your case and advise you on how to proceed from here.

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