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Halloween Driving Safety Tips

Halloween is a favorite holiday for many – both young and old. There is just something nostalgic about getting dressed up and going trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, and enjoying a warm cider as the kids sift through their candy by the fire. That being said, Halloween has an impact on the number of drivers on the roadways – both sober and under the influence of alcohol or drugs. As with any holiday, we see an increase in the number of drivers who make the poor decision to get behind a wheel of a car after attending a party and imbibing. For this reason it is imperative we do what we can to keep our kiddos safe while walking from house to house in local neighborhoods trick-or-treating. Because Halloween (October 31st) falls on a Tuesday this year, it is important to not only practice safe driving on the actual holiday, but the weekend leading up to it.

On Halloween night, chances are your local neighborhood streets will be literally crawling with all sorts of dressed up young kids, teenagers, and even adults. This means there is an added responsibility for drivers to ensure they are paying attention and more alert than ever. In many parts of Brownsville and the surrounding areas, parents drive their kids to various subdivisions and let them out to knock on strangers’ doors. In many cases the parent will follow close behind in a car, keeping a watchful eye on their children. This can lead to traffic jams and a lot of confusion, as kids are running out of cars into the dark streets as they go from house to house. Drivers are likely already distracted by the costumes, let alone the increase in kids on the street. This is why

  • Don’t use your smartphone or other electronic device while driving on Halloween night
    • Many phones (such as the iPhone) now offer a “do not disturb while driving” feature that ensures you won’t be distracted by incoming texts, voice calls, or new mail. You can set it up to send a customized message that will let people know you are driving and will get back to them shortly. This is a great option whenever you are driving, especially Halloween night!
  • Drive slowly in neighborhoods
  • NEVER pass stopped cars on the side of the road – the chance they are dropping off or picking up kids is high
  • Be on the lookout for kids dashing in and out in neighborhoods
    • The majority of young pedestrian deaths happen when children run out from behind parked cars or in dimly lit neighborhood streets
  • Add reflective tape or other bits of material that will help your kids stay visible while out trick-or-treating
  • Use your turn signals and hazards when dropping off your children, and communicate with other drivers
  • Go over safety rules with your children and make sure they understand they need to be extra careful when out trick-or-treating

 The Brownsville lawyers at Green Law Firm hope you have a safe and happy Halloween! If you have any questions about the above safety tips or have been involved in an accident on Halloween, please do not hesitate to give us a call and schedule a consultation.

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